"Depth steaming green tea production areas" Shizuoka Prefecture and brought up in Kanaya, Shimada city formerly located in mountains, at the foot of makinohara Kikukawa between accommodation and safe tea茶蔵That we deliver to our customers.


Iwata truck

磐田軽トラ市に出店ちう‼Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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After a long time(^^)/

本日は、いわた駅前楽市(Light Tiger City)に出店しております(^^)/12時までですので、お近くの方はどうぞお寄り下さいませませ😄美味しい(^^)/くき茶の詰め放題を行なっておりますよ~😄Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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